Prometheus, in collaboration with Dryad, has established a partnership to advance wildfire ultra-early detection capabilities. This partnership combines the Prometheus Fire Guardian software platform with the innovative Silvanet IoT sensors to enhance the detection and prevention of wildfires. The ability to detect wildfires at an early stage is essential in minimizing their devastating impact on the environment and human lives. By exploring the Prometheus Fire Guardian software platform and Silvanet sensors, we can actively contribute to effective wildfire protection.

The Silvanet sensors, developed by Dryad, play a critical role in wildfire detection. These sensors are equipped with highly precise gas sensors that can detect wildfires during the smoldering phase. In addition to measuring various gases, temperature, humidity, and air pressure, the Silvanet sensors undergo continual training to recognize the specific “smell” of a forest on fire. The successful deployment of Silvanet sensors has been witnessed in regions such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, California, and Canada. Notably, CalFire in California has deployed 400 Silvanet sensors, and plans for other projects are in place.

The collaboration between Prometheus and brings together their respective expertise to achieve advanced early detection of wildfires. is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the Silvanet sensors, while Prometheus provides the Fire Guardian software platform. Machine learning tools are utilized to process the data collected by Silvanet sensors, enabling analysis, monitoring, and prompt alerting. This immediate response capability allows wildfires to be detected within minutes, facilitating swift intervention.

The partnership between Prometheus and Dryad, coupled with the Prometheus Fire Guardian software platform and Silvanet sensors, represents a remarkable advancement in wildfire ultra-early detection capabilities. Early detection plays a pivotal role in preventing wildfires and safeguarding the environment. By exploring the Prometheus Fire Guardian software platform and Silvanet sensors, we can actively contribute to effective wildfire protection efforts.