We are excited that we will meet our audience in Greece today.
It is the perfect timing for anyone that got interested in Space Deep Technology to be more familiar with our endeavors and our targets.
For the first time in Greece, on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 of July, Teamworks introduces the 1st Annual Athens Space and Satellite Industry Summit 2021 with the thematic “Greece at the gates of the Space and Satellite Industry”!
Register for free here and learn from the Leaders and key speakers the prospects of the Greek Space and Satellite Technology sector and its prospects in a market that is growing very fast, establishing at the same time an annual international forum in the form of the Summit for discussing collaborations and research advancements, focused around the Greek Ecosystem.
The Conference is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Government and the National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT).
In addition, various National and International Institutes, Universities, and Professional Entities in the fields of Space and Satellite Technology are also supporting the event.
The Conference is supported by the companies:
Diamond Sponsors: SPACE HELLAS S.A., Hellas Sat
Gold Sponsors: OTE Group of Companies (HTO), WIND Hellas
Supporters: Adamant Composites Ltd., Prometheus Space Technologies, Software Competitiveness International S.A.
Honored Sponsors: Cyta Hellas, Nokia, OHB Hellas, On Line Data